Water: the health benefits you need to know about!

updated the 20 June 2014 à 23:52

Odorless, transparent and tasteless yet it is the most vital nutrient! Maia Baudelaire, Nutritionist and expert in eating behavior, tells us why it is so important to watch our water intake.

Water is probably the most important nutrient that our bodies need to survive. Moreover, approximately 70% of our body is water. Water is particularly important because it’s the nutrient which can transport and process all the other usual nutrients: antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, even proteins and carbohydrates – which serve as fuel to all our organs, muscles and brain . While it is possible to survive about five weeks without food, our body will hold only 5 days without water!

However, normally, we are all more or less often at risk of dehydration… without knowing it! The problem is especially true in the case of excessive consumption of processes foods (biscuits, ready meals, sauces, etc…), soft drinks, tea or coffee, or too much alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer or cocktails of any kind.

Without enough water, our blood volume is reduced, which creates stress on the kidneys and the heart. A poorly hydrated body will retain sodium in the body’s cells, where swelling could occur around the stomach, thighs, hands and feet.

Moreover, stress, inactivity and age decrease the natural thirst mechanism. Waiting to ‘be thirsty; to drink water is not a good benchmark – knowing that cramps, painful joints, loss of skin tonality and decrease in vitality … are all signs of dehydration.

Our 5 tips to stay hydrated:

1 – Keep a 1/2 litre ‘Mug’ (a large rechargeable cup) with you all the time and sip some water constantly at the office, during your commuting, in your meetings…

2 – Do not wait to be thirsty or have a dry throat to drink, but do it on a regular basis throughout the day.One to 2 litres per day is the recommended amount. You will notice your urine go from dark yellow to a very very light color.

3 – Minimize the intake of processed foods. As much as possible, make your own cookies, soups, sauces and control the amount of salt you use.

4 – Eliminate sodas and soft drinks, or drink them very occasionally. When you consume wine, alternate a glass of water with a glass of wine.

5 – Tap water is perfectly suited but if you do not like the taste of ‘pure’ water add a few drops of lemon. Or flavuor by boiling it in a pan with some orange peel (organic), a cinnamon stick and a few cloves. Let it cool, then drink it iced or hot.

Maia Baudelaire is a Paris-based Nutritionist, food expert and founder of I Love My Diet Coach.

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