Meat and dairy products: Home to dioxins and PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls)

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:33

It is necessary to be wary of the dioxins present in meat and dairy products, as they can be carcinogenic. Here are some useful tips and strategies to follow.


When cattle inhale smoke from factories and drink contaminated water, lead to concentrated levels of chemical residue in the meat, especially dioxins and other PCB (used as an electrical, lubricating insulator or in the treatment of metals). Suspected to be carcinogenic and neurotoxic, these persistent pollutants can be found in the fat and viscera of animals. They also permeate to milk and eggs.


Go easy on offal (liver, kidneys), delicatessen and fatty meats (rib steak, prime rib of beef, leg of lamb, pork ribs). Instead, favour the thinnest cuts (poultry, rump steak, filet mignon…), as they are less filled with PCB. For dairy products, choose semi-skimmed milk over whole milk.

Read more from our “pesticides” report:

Fruits and vegetables: Home for pesticides

Fish and shellfish: A source of harmful mercury

Healthy eating: how to avoid carcinogenic acrylamide grocery products

Kitchenware: Choosing toxins-free varieties

Sylvia Vaisman

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