Pursuit of Happiness: 5 Keys to be ‘Happy as a Dane’

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:07
Happy as a Dane: Finding your place

Ever wondered why Scandinavians always kept a smile on their face? Here are some of their secrets revealed and how you can be as happy as a Dane too.

Malene Rydahl was born in Denmark but she has lived in France for the past 20 years. What stayed with her though, was how the Danes kept a smile on their face, which led her to author Heureux comme un Danois (Happy as a Dane).

With precise anecdotes, honest personal memories and reliable statistics, her small book makes an apt manual of our well-being in everyday life. In other words, you can count on this book for pointers on your pursuit to happiness. Before you go searching for the book, we’ve collated snippets of it in our gallery for your reading pleasure.

Fabienne Broucaret and Natasha Gan

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