Don’t Miss Out On Life: 3 Tips to live better everyday

updated the 6 October 2015 à 22:22
1. Waking up

57% of Singaporeans admit to being ‘kiasu’ and rush through most things, hence missing out on life. How do we beat this? Here’s the advice of life coach Laurence Moulin.

Here’s how the Singaporean population judges its personal qualities, according to a survey by Yahoo! News – almost 23% of them consider that they are uncertain about the future.


57% of Singaporeans admit to being kiasu (fear of losing) and constantly rush to save time, especially because they have too much to do in their lives. Almost a third of them, see a deteriorating of their values, and have the feeling of self-centerdness (33%), wanting material needs (32%) and some even desire to have a better quality of life (28%).


This survey also found that more than about 42% of Singaporeans are threatened by competition, which in turn causes stress. This is a disease that affects more women because they feel they are stronger in undergoing stress levels than men.

About 61% of respondents from a French survey by Ipsos* believe finally that they do not have time to care for them, against 57% of men. A small difference when we know that mothers spend an average of two and a half times more time than men to care for their children**. They also spend 48 minutes per day on average in the household, 62 minutes with three offsprings, etc. Fathers, themselves, are stagnating at 12 minutes regardless of the number of children.

If you also have the feeling of missing out on your life, discover in the slideshow above the advice of coach Laurence Moulin, founder of Aobora. The purpose of the workshops? Allowing everyone to move forward in a personal and professional perspective, again becoming fully involved in their lives. The good news: it’s never too late!

*IPSOS survey conducted on the occasion of “welfare Trophy” which will be presented Monday, September 21.

**Credoc, in May 2015.

Fabienne Broucaret and Nur Syazana H.

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