A thrilling beginning to How to Get Away with Murder’s Season 2

updated the 30 November 2015 à 19:05
Viola Davis

How to Get Away With Murder is the new show to keep your eyes on, and if you haven’t watched the first season, you have to, you will not regret it.

After a blood-pumping, enthralling and intensely suspenseful first season that started with a thousand questions and ended with just as many, How to Get Away with Murder has begun its anticipated second season. The show was so phenomenal because of the entire cast’s acting, but especially that of Viola Davis, who became the first black woman to win an Emmy this year for best lead actress in a drama series.

The first season revolved around the case of Lila Stangard, the young, beautiful and dead college student, who was also the mistress of Sam Keating. His wife, Annalise Keating (Viola Davis) was a very famous defense attorney at Middleton University. She chose 5 students to work at her firm: Wes Gibbins, Connor Walsh, Michaela Pratt, Asher Millstone, and Laurel Castillo, all talented in their own ways and intelligent beyond all. They work with Frank Delfino and Bonnie Winterbottom, Annaliese’s employee and associate.

Every episode flashes forward and back from present day to 3 months ahead, slowly revealing the cusp of the series. Sam Keating, an adulterer, ends up dead and everyone believes that he had killed Lila, but as the series ended, it was revealed that was not true. The ending of the first season showed Annalise’s attempt to help her interns cover-up Sam’s murder and legally show Sam’s responsibility for Lila’s death; and the events leading up to it.

No spoilers here if you haven’t watched it, but everything is not what it seems. The second season begins with a brand new case of a double murder of a wealthy, old, white couple who have two grown and adopted children of color.

The first episode ends with a flash forward to a eerily-lit mansion of the rich, murdered couple, and Wes running out of it, into the woods, and cuts to the inside, where there is blood splatter on a painting. And lying on the floor is Annaliese Keating suffering from a gunshot wound.

What to expect from Season Two?

What this season will bring, nobody knows yet. But there is a lot of speculation and fan theories about what will happen and we are hoping this will be as good, if not better, than the last. We expect more insights into a few characters and their backgrounds, namely Frank, and Bonnie, because as of now they are still quite mysterious.

Rebecca Sutter, who was accused of Lila’s murder at first, was murdered at the end of Season 1, but why, is the mystery. She had been acquitted of all charges, and was about to start anew. Even though she had lied about a lot of things, she was still innocent.

Her murderer is revealed at the end of the first episode, and it is certainly shocking. There is no known motive as of yet, but something tells us that all will be revealed in time, and that the backstory of the murderer would make all things clear.

As for the current murder case involving the double homicide, things are going to get messy. The team will soon start working closely with the accused murderers, in their house, which is where Wes was seen running out of, and Annaliese lay dying on the floor.

The case will most definitely be won, but what comes after that is unknown. Will it finally be revealed how deep in the conspiracy is Annaleise, or how Frank and Annaliese met. Why does she trust him so much, and what does he owe her? What is Bonnie’s origin story, and who really is Michaela? Will this case be related to each other, and how many layers will it have?

Look forward to this thrilling and intricately mysterious new season that hopefully won’t be the last.

Bernice Ng

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