Annual Performance Review: Keep track of your performance in the company

updated the 12 June 2014 à 23:49

It is unavoidable! We definitely need to prepare an annual review of our performance in the organisation – having combed through everything that happened in the year.


The review, whatever the length (1 to 2 hours, according to your status and the company policy) and how it is carried out (standard interview panel, or less formal, prepared by the HR team), will focus on how you have managed to achieve your goals over the past year. “The best way not to remain tongue-tied is to record on a daily basis, for all twelve months, all the successes and areas for improvement you have observed. Leave out the fluff, and instead list down the facts, background information and details,” says Pascaline Mallasingne. And if your manager gave you a self-assessment form prior to the review, take your time to fill it in (before the appointment, of course!) Having been reflected upon and carefully prepared, even the most devious manager will be unable to find fault with the way you work.

Our tips for a successful annual performance review
Know how to discuss, without being overbearing
Optimize your meeting time
Stop stressing out!
Fight for your due, without asking for the impossible
Be firm in your stand

Valérie Rodrigue

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