How to stop biting your nails?

Some have a bad habit that is extremely difficult to break. But beyond aesthetics, nail biting can cause adverse health consequences. Here are some specialist tips to shed the habit.


“Biting nails constantly can cause serious health problems,” said Margaret E. Parsons, Professor of Dermatology at the University of California. According to experts, the habit usually starts in childhood and continues into adulthood. The results: “the tissue that allows the nail to grow may be damaged and nails do not grow normally. In addition, this bad habit makes them more vulnerable to infections because it allows the passage of bacteria and viruses from the mouth to fingers, or, conversely, fingers to the face or mouth.”


1. Keep your nails short. We agree, that does not stop to tear small skin hanging around the sides of nails, but it will reduce the temptation.

2. Use hand cream to leave a perfumed taste to your nails. This removes the need to bite the nails because of the weird taste and, above all, helps one to become aware of the habit.

3. Get  regular  manicures. Spending money to getting beautiful nails should deter you from the nail-biting massacre (at least for a few days!).

4. Find a substitute. Try playing with a stress ball or chewing gum. In short, keep your hands or mouth occupied. However, avoid chewing a pencil full of microbes, and, of course, swallow everything that comes to hand.

5. Identify the causes. Often, these are stress, anxiety or boredom. Knowing where the habit stems from is an essential first step to getting rid of it. So observe your reactions and pull in the deductions as required.

6. Stop gradually. Some specialists recommend ‘breaking’ the addiction gradually. Start by not biting one fingernail (the thumb, for example). Then go to a second and then a whole hand, etc.

Dr. Parsons states that it is necessary to consult a professional in some cases (persistent psychological or emotional problems may be the cause). And of course, make sure to see a dermatologist or general practitioner if an infection occurs.

Source: American Academy of Dermatology, September 2015

Maureen Diament and Nur Syazana H.

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