What if guys were social networks?

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:34
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The Los Angeles-based fashion photographer, Viktorija Pashuta, reimagines our favourite forms of social media as real-life dapper men.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and the slew of other social networks are now an integral part of our daily life. They provide multiple opportunities to stay in touch with family, share photos, interact with others, exchange ideas, learn, discover, and also support good causes – the list is endless.

Social networks occupy such a significant place that sometimes they seem to come to life. Indeed, we may even question: what would they look like if they were human?

There is actually an answer to this question, thanks to Los Angeles-based fashion photographer, Viktorija Pashuta. The artist shot a series of fashion photos inspired by the question: “What if guys were social networks?” She said “I thought, what would happen if I tried to humanise well known social networks? The idea was not only to use the social media logos as a visual reference, but also to transfer their qualities and usability functions into human characters portrayed through fashion.”

Thus, according to the characteristic features, style and functions of each network, Pashuta worked closely with the wardrobe stylist, Jordan Anthony Swain, to depict each model in ways that conveyed the spirit and essence of the social platforms; thereby rendering them believable. As a result, Facebook was personified as casual, Twitter as classic, Pinterest as creative, LinkedIn as business-like, Instagram as vintage, Flickr as artsy, Tumblr as hip and Google+ as innovative.

Pashuta explains, “It may be subjective, but this is exactly how I imagined the networks would look if they stepped out of the computer screens and onto the streets.” Subjective, sure, but we do think that this was remarkably well imagined! Don’t you?

Lindsay POUI-DI

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