Local Talent: 10 Malaysian singers you should be listening to

The music industry in Malaysia is booming with local singers, and so should your Spotify playlist.

Siti Nurhaliza

Music is food for the soul, or so they say. So it’s no wonder why music can move people and makes up such a big part of our lives. We’re probably familiar with the tunes of huge superstars from halfway across the world, but sometimes it’s good to turn to melodies a little closer to home, and show some support for the people whom we can be proud of.

It may surprise you how wide the scope of music genres local singers fall under. Pop, indie and even EDM – you have it all. And if you thought this wasn’t talent enough, many, if not all, of these singers produce their own music! We’ll leave it to you to decide if they suit your music tastes, but for all you know, you may end up loving the local music a lot more than what you hear on mainstream radio!

Go ahead, take a look through our gallery, turn up your volume and be prepared to be whisked away into a whole different world altogether.

Dione Chen

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