Step Up: Top 5 dance studios in KL that are beginner-friendly

updated the 23 March 2017 à 16:25

You’ll be dancing like a pro in no time.

Misfit Dance Studio

Enough with the endless scrolling of Instagram videos showing talented dancers displaying their stunning moves while you look on with overwhelming envy. Now, it’s your time to shine. Always longed to be a dancer but unsure of where to start? We’ve got your back.

We’ve gathered a list of the top five dance studios in KL that offer incredible dance classes for people of all ages. With the variety of dance genres available to you, from hip hop to Latin, you’ll be absolutely torn. Now, we know what you’re thinking, and before you click away, let us assure you that they are all 100% beginner-friendly!

You can now lay aside your worries about lagging behind or feeling out of place. With talented and patient instructors to guide you along, you’re bound to settle in quickly and smoothly. If that doesn’t happen, just have fun! You never know unless you try. So, no more excuses – head on up to our gallery to kick start this dance party.

Lim Han

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Tell us how you dance, we’ll tell you who you are!

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine