5 Signs your period flow is actually healthy

Are you paying enough attention to your lady parts?

Your period blood is bright red in colour

It’s that time of the month again: where the week is probably going to be filled with cramps, mood swings and loo visits at the most random of times. Yes, we’re talking periods.

Even though many, if not all of us, suffer from these period symptoms, there are some women who have it worse. In fact, a recent health survey showed that about 50 to 90% of women in Singapore suffer from dysmenorrhea or extremely painful periods. These episodes can be so severe that they could disrupt even simple daily activities like walking or working.

While some menstrual pains have more serious underlying causes, others can be due to strong uterine contractions. If you’re one of those people wondering about your menstrual health, here are five signs that it’s all good after all.



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Marie France Asia, women's magazine