Healing Potions: 10 Essential oils and their potent health benefits

updated the 14 November 2016 à 11:28

They aren’t just for making the room smell lovely – they can pack powerful first aid and alternative medicine punches too.


Essential oils are potent organic oils extracted from different plants, herbs, flowers, and seeds. These oils are widely used for various healing and purifying properties, depending on their source. Some essential oils also contain antioxidants which help prevent or mitigate cellular damage. As such, health and wellness products make use of essential oils to utilise their health benefits.

Among the many medicinal uses cited for certain essential oils include treatment for joint pains, digestive issues, stress, and fatigue. However, it goes without saying, before using any of these essential oils, you need to do your research thoroughly especially if you have sensitivities or are prone to allergies. To help you get a general idea, here is a rundown of some widely used essential oils and their benefits.

Alicia Tham

Photos: Getty Images

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