Slim & Trim: 20 Foods to help keep your stomach flat

Exercise is all well and good, but your diet also plays an important role in keeping the flabbiness at bay!

Lean fish

Want to look good in that tight-fitting swimsuit during your end-of-year vacation but need to lose that flabby belly? It would be a shame if you decided to forego lounging around in the sun just because you’re a little self-conscious of how you look! If you’ve let yourself go a little this year, don’t worry, all you’ve got to do is pay close attention to your diet.

Make sure to avoid foods that bloat the belly, such as soft drinks, salt, and candy. Instead, snack on the options we have prepared in the gallery above in order to achieve that slim tummy you’ve always dreamed of!

Ophelia Rozé

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine