Serious Talks: 10 Things you should be teaching your daughter about her body

Don’t underestimate the speed in which your precious little daughter will grow! Is it time to have a few serious talks with her?

Bodies are all different shapes and sizes

She’s coming to that age now where she’s starting to ask all sort of questions (and they’re no doubt making you question what she’s picking up in school). Odd queries and observations like “how come I’m so much taller than all the boys in class?”, and “when will I get my period?”, and “the kids at school were talking about sex today”. Instead of getting flustered and feeling unsure of how to tackle the fact that your little one is growing up fast and would benefit from some amount of expert knowledge, it’s a good idea to set everything straight and educate her properly.

It should certainly bother you if your daughter is getting all her first-hand knowledge and understanding of the changes her body is going through from unknown sources on the internet or in the schoolyard. She might be start to pick up misleading information or start to worry about things that are completely normal.

Go over the basics with her. We’ve got a quick list of things you might want to cover. Don’t worry, you’re her parent, which means she will listen to you (even if she pretends not to).

Angela Goh

Photos: Getty Images

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