10 Best places for a relaxing farm stay vacation

Consider this an opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of the city for some fresh air, peace and quiet.

Holualoa Inn, Hawaii

Maybe you’ve never really considered a farm stay vacation before. After all, the drive to the countryside is way too long, and farms just seem so isolated and so far from ‘civilisation’. Without shopping malls, cinemas, theme parks – how is this going to be a stress-free vacation for anyone?

Farm stays are actually a great opportunity to detract from the digital world and they make for a good period of bonding with your loved ones. The drive to the countryside does not have to be very long, and you’ll definitely gain much greater insight into the country you’re staying in from your hosts. Your city kids will learn how to appreciate the countryside and recognise where food comes from and how it is made. Wander around the hills and explore tranquil nature, there’s an activity for everyone at a farm stay.

Prepare your family’s June holidays in advance with our top 10 picks of the best farm stays in the world for you and your family. Head over to the gallery above to discover the perfect spots for a farm stay.

Winnie Tan


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