Death-Defying Destinations: 10 Places to visit for adrenaline junkies

updated the 18 November 2015 à 12:39
Sky Diving at Mount Everest, Nepal

The ultimate destination guide for thrill-seekers looking for an adrenaline high.

A relaxing beachside resort may sound like a dream vacation to many, but to adrenaline junkies, that itinerary just comes off as an extreme case of boredom. Lounging around sipping a mai tai or reading a book doesn’t appeal to those looking for the next thrill-seeking high.

These daredevil descendants Evel Knievel are built for outdoor adventures and may even feel claustrophobic in a luxury hotel room. The world is their playground and they are more than happy to put their bodies and minds through a ringer just to get an adrenaline high.

If you’re the sort that will be more than eager to jump of a cliff in anticipation of an adrenaline rush, then this curated list is for you. From base-jumping to crazy rollercoasters, we round up a list of the 10 best places in the world that will get thrill-seekers buzzing with excitement.

Amanda Lim

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