Best Things, Small Packages: 20 Stocking stuffers for Christmas

updated the 8 December 2015 à 11:06

Here are some brilliantly unique knick-knacks that will be appreciated instead of forgotten.

Compared to under-the-tree Christmas presents, stocking stuffers are more fun to shop for. These small gifts are usually creative or silly novelty gifts that seem to be manufactured just for the sole purpose of being stuffed down an oversized red sock.

More than a box of assorted chocolates and less than jewellery, these usually inexpensive gifts are also great for that that third-tier friend or secret Santa recipient. The trick to shopping for stocking stuffers is to buy something useful. That way, it wouldn’t get thrown out by New Year’s or recycled for next Christmas. At the same time, it also has to be novel and fun.

There are more than a few things you can proudly give away to someone for Christmas. A trio of lip balms is great for a girlfriend and a pretty notepad is perfect for colleagues. Think outside the box and get creative, if you know someone will be partying it up on New Year’s Eve, how about some temporary tattoos? For more ideas, check out our gallery for 20 fun yet practical ideas that are sure to make your Christmas shopping a little less stressful.

Amanda Lim

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