Hair Removal 101: All you need to know about ‘sugaring’

Ditch the waxing strips and shavers.

Don’t you just wish the only place you had hair was on your head? I mean, do our armpits, legs and arms really need hair? Whatever scientific explanations you might have for this, we don’t want to hear it. The only thing we want to hear is how to get rid them most effectively and painlessly.

We’re all familiar with the same few faces in the hair removal scene – waxing, plucking and shaving. But, hold up, we’ve got a new kid on the block: sugaring. Promising to be gentle on your skin while still getting the job done, this groundbreaking hair removal method is getting all the hype. We promise you’ll be stroking your legs in disbelief for a good minute after you’ve tried out this technique. Excited to find out more? Well, you’re in for a sweet treat because we’re here to spill every last detail about it!

‘Sugaring’: What is it?

An ancient technique widely practiced in Greece and the Middle East, sugaring involves the use of a gel-like paste made from sugar, lemon juice and hot water to remove hair strands from their roots. The typical procedure will involve the beautician spreading an even layer of the paste onto your skin in the opposite direction the hair growth. After letting it sit and harden slightly for a few seconds, the paste will be flicked back in repeated motions to extract the hairs from their roots.

Why women swear by it

The real question is – what’s not? All-natural and free of any chemicals, this waxing method is hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types. Even the process of sugaring is extremely gentle on the skin as the paste binds only to the hair and not the skin. Don’t expect to see any searing red patches or minor cuts left behind, which are what you would generally get from waxing or shaving. The best part? This method has lasting effects. Your hair will grow slower and softer. Beauticians have attested to the fact that regular sugaring treatments will result in your hair growing thinner and softer, till they’re almost invisible! Sounds too good to be true, right? But, it is.

Is it painful?

Now, there’s no such thing as pain-free hair removal. I mean, you’re basically detaching a hair from its root, there’s bound to be some discomfort. Thankfully, sugaring promises to be substantially less painful than waxing or plucking. If you’re rather sensitive to pain when it comes to hair removal, sugaring is your new best pal.

Where you can get sugared in Singapore

Itching to try out this sweet treatment? You’ll be glad to know that Singapore has its very own sugaring salon, Sugar(ed)!

Lim Han

Photos: Getty Images

Read More:

Hair Removal 101: Which method should you use?

5 Things to know before booking that waxing appointment

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