Say goodbye to a difficult digestion

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:30

Meals that are too fatty, too heavy or too fast can be difficult to digest. Here are some easy solutions to have no more weight on your stomach.


Quick snacks swallowed as unbalanced meals favour the absorption of air, which can become trapped at the top of the bowel. Besides, the digestive enzymes are overloaded and can no longer do their job. As a result, we have a set of symptoms (sensation of gravity, eructation, nausea…) called dyspepsia.


Pineapple and papaya extracts can help our enzymes: Solgar Digestive Enzymes or Digebiane from Pileje (3 to 6 tablets a day during meals). To improve the secretion of saliva and bile, the mixture artichoke-black radish or the trio turmeric-fumitory-gentian is recommended (1 teaspoon of extracts of fresh plants before meals). In case of nausea at the end of the meal, try the fumitory (1 teaspoon combined with a teaspoon of lemon balm).


“For a simple aerophagia, take carbo vegetabilis 5CH (4 times a day). But in case of breathlessness, take Asa foetida 5CH”, recommends Albert-Claude Quemoun, Pharmacist and Homeopath.


Take time to eat without talking, to avoid swallowing too much air. Chew each bite for a long time to relieve the work of the digestive system.


Banish chewing gum and fizzy drinks that cause excess air to be swallowed.

Sylvia Vaisman

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