Hair Hope: 10 Innovative products to revamp your routine

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:08

If you’re stuck in a hair rut then perhaps it’s time to shake things up a little with new products in your arsenal. Here are some of our picks!

Have you been using the same old shampoo and conditioner combination for a while now? Well, then it’s high time you shook things up a little with a whole new haircare routine because just like with skincare, at times our hair needs a new injection of life as well.

So based on what your hair needs are – be it volume, hydration, shine or the ever so stubborn frizz – we’ve rounded up a couple of products that have amped up on the innovation factor. From caviar and collagen infused haircare as well as absolute shine boosters, these are just some new tools to add to your haircare routine.

Who knows you tresses may just become mermaid-perfect tomorrow.

Tarandip Kaur

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