Scalp Health 101: How to get rid of dandruff?


Here are our tips on solving the dandruff problem once and for all.

As a complex problem that can often be a source of self-consciousness and embarrassment, dandruff, or a dry and flaky scalp, can be very annoying. The way you dress or the way you style your hair can also be affected – you can’t wear a black top if you are constantly shedding specks of white, and you can’t brush your hair too much or your tresses will look like it’s been snowed on. It is important to understand the cause of dandruff and to know how to treat it effectively.

Where does dandruff come from?

We all have microbiota – symbiotic and pathogenic micro-organisms such as bacteria, yeasts and invisible fungi, that live on the surface of our skin, including the scalp. This isn’t a bad thing. In fact, we all require a well-balanced colony of microbial flora to maintain a healthy body.

However, if one of the micro-organisms does not develop properly, it disrupts the surrounding ecosystem. Thus, under the influence of external factors (such as excess moisture, harsh brushing, bleach and dye, or chlorinated water) or internal factors (like stress, hormonal imbalances, poor eating habits), Pityrosporum Ovale, a type of microscopic yeast, will start to multiply on the scalp as well as in the canal of the pilosebaceous follicle.

As a result, the scalp becomes irritated and responds with inflammation, itching, and rapid desquamation, which is when the outermost later of your skin starts to peel. New cells are then created but hardly formed – they are immediately shed as specks of flaky white skin: these are the visible bits of dandruff that you see. Without finding a solution to the root cause of the inflammation, you will not be able to effectively prevent dandruff, resulting in a vicious cycle.

Solving the dandruff problem

High quality anti-dandruff shampoos these days are able to rebalance the composition of the microbial flora on your scalp, and with regular use, the treatment should be able to slowly eliminate dandruff and calm the inflammation.

In conjunction with a targeted treatment, focus on cooler temperatures when it comes to your scalp. Wash your hair with almost-cold water – hot water could end up harming the environment of the microbial flora. Blow dry your hair on a low setting. Also avoid accessories like hats and headbands, which could overheat the scalp and cause the sebaceous glands to go into overdrive.

We’ve curated a list of effective anti-dandruff shampoos and treatments in the gallery above to help you take the first step in achieving a healthy scalp. Good luck!

Angela Goh

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