Powder exfoliators: A skincare must-have?

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:51

Do you suffer from sensitive skin? If so, powder exfoliators could the right product for you. Here are our picks.

We all know that exfoliating is an essential part in our skincare regime – but not many people are familiar with powder exfoliators, so here is a thing or two you should know about these skincare must-haves.

Why powder exfoliators?

Scrubs aren’t the only way to rid dead skin cells, these fine-milled powders are extremely gentle, and perfect for those who suffer from sensitive skin. Gritty face scrubs can do more harm than not. So if you find that your face is red, irritated or warm after you exfoliate – it is a clear indicator that you should opt for something more gentle, such as a powder exfoliator. Featuring tiny particles of exfoliants, these products won’t harm or irritate the skin.

How to use?

To activate the facial powder, all you have to do is mix the product with a touch of water to create a foam-like consistency. The foam should feel thick and indulgent.

Simply massage the product into your skin for about a minute, then rinse. As this is still an exfoliator, we wouldn’t recommend it for daily use, a couple of times a week is sufficient to give you the desired results.

Shannon Gallagher

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