The 5 ultimate beauty trends to avoid

Crayola makeup

Some beauty looks are not always good to follow. From beauty faux pas to “do it yourself” projects for your skin, we’re sounding the alarm and calling quits on these trends that should end now.

Through the times, there have been beauty trends that were highly raved, and some that just left us going, “What?!” Here are the beauty crimes you shouldn’t be committing at all costs!


DIYs are the strength of many beauty YouTubers, yet in recent months a bad buzz has been invading the network. In question? Our beloved crayolas! The beautistas posting tutorials explaining how to use these famous crayons as makeup (basing them in a pan, where they realise lipsticks and cheek products can be made with some coconut oil), to be exact.

The Facebook page of the kid’s colouring tools brand did not fail to react on the topic, saying, “Although our products are tested and comply with the standards, it is strongly recommended not to use them as lipstick, eyeliner or other makeup products. They have not been created, tested and approved for those uses.”

Faced with this recommendation, we urge you to stop the trend, which can quickly damage your face (through allergic reactions and other irritations).


The trend revolves around very false nails that are sometimes worn in a rounded, 3D shape. The idea is simple: to look as though there are bubbles on your fingertips. For some down south in the USA, it’s a big hit. For others however, not so much. We’re not really convinced by this phenomenon.


This technique has to do with your facial peach fuzz. The concept? Shaving the face to have fewer wrinkles. This amazing trend based on the idea that a single shaving followed by a good peeling, will be a mature skin saver. Why we doubt it? Dermaplanning is a precise and painstaking technique that should only be to done by professionals. Popularised on social networks (often without prescription), it can quickly lead to beauty disasters. This technique should never be done with the razor on your bathroom sink.


Long, flowing locks are sexy and sultry, but too-long hair can look unkempt and get in your way. Imagine trying to sit down only to sit on your hair by accident! A haircut is overdue. If you must keep your long tresses, make sure you tie it up or work a braid wrapped around your head, milkmaid-style.


The age of eyebrows is here – we’re appreciating big, bold brows and well-drawn fade brows are all the rage at the moment. A style that was once in style but should never make a comeback? Comma brows. They look like what they sound like – an eyebrow shaped like the punctuation mark. If you’re still sporting the look, it’s time to ditch the tweezers and let your brows grow a little.

Maud Gontier and Nur Syazana H.

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