The killer question: Can lipstick work as concealer?

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:31

Using red lipstick to cover your under-eye circles? We tell you how the magical process works.


We’re pretty sure that you’ve seen the video where this girl conceals her under-eye circles completely with red lipstick.

Everyone is fascinated by the supposedly magical process – but we’re not.

Drag-queens have been using orange or red concealer on the bluish stubble on their jawlines for ages and we’ve just caught up to it. Ever wondered why there were so many different tints of makeup base – lavender, pink, green, yellow, etc?

Well, we’ll tell you. It’s science.


Check out the colour wheel below.


We’ve learnt in school that some coloured light can neutralise one another creating a different colour or a white light. Same goes for makeup. Colours that are directly opposing one another on the colour wheel can neutralise one another, creating the perfect skin tone.

Let’s just say you have greenish-blue circles under your eyes, look for the colour that directly opposes that shade.

Yes, it is reddish-orange.

So, any wonder why orangey-red lipstick can conceal dark under-eye circles?

This colour wheel is the same reason why green/purple/pink/yellow makeup bases or concealers exist.

In the fair-skinned obsessed Asia, the purple makeup base would be best as it evens out sallow undertones and creates a luminous fairer complexion. People with rosacea or redness would love the green shade as it can tone down angry red zits or irritated skin, bringing it to a normal even shade.

There’s nothing magical about all this, it’s just science. If you bothered to pay attention in class…*nudge, wink*.


Now to check for your undertones, simply look at your wrists.

Do your veins look bluish? If they do you have a cool undertone

If they look green, you have a warm undertone.

But if you can’t tell, you’re neutral and most colours would suit you.

Understanding your undertones helps you pick the right foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, lipstick and even clothing. To bring out the best in your skintone, stick to the side of the colour wheel that you belong (i.e. blue and white for cool undertones, orange and pink for warm etc).

Now go pick that perfect eyeshadow and lipstick.

If someone had told you earlier that paying attention in secondary school science class could help you look better….you’d have given it your 100% right?

Cheryl Lee

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