Reverse Tanning: Here comes Korea’s latest beauty craze

Instead of piling on skincare products, in Korea, there might just be another way to obtain a flawless, even complexion by ‘tanning’.


Seeing how a whole army of products promising whiter than snow skin hails from Korea, it comes as no surprise that you probably wouldn’t find a tanning salon there if you’re a fan of the olive-toned skin. The Koreans however do have their version of a tanning salon, where no actual tanning – the way you know it – takes place.

Tanning typically involves the use of UV rays to increase melanin production. In Korea, they have ‘Reverse Tanning’ or what is popularly referred to as ‘White Tanning’, which basically makes use of  infrared light to improve skin tone. The name of the process itself is quite the paradox and a misnomer, because your skin doesn’t get whiter per se. Instead it’d be more accurate to refer to it as Red Light Therapy.

As much as this borders on some sci-fi ridiculous level, rocket scientists are actually behind this process. The technology was developed by NASA as a means to stimulate the body into treating wounds quicker while in space. Essentially, infrared light possesses a longer wavelength and thus is able to penetrate deeper into the dermis layer and and boost the production of collagen and elastin.

For optimal results, one would have to make time for at least 10 sessions, each lasting approximately 20 minutes – only then will you be on your way to a more beautiful and even complexion. What’s important to note here is that this treatment will not reverse the damage caused by UV radiation so it’s definitely not a way out from skipping the highly crucial sunblock.

Aside from the unfavourable name, we reckon we might just start seeing ‘White Tanning’ booths pop up in Singapore – if rocket scientists and Koreans who boast of flawless skin are supporting it, then there’s definitely something good going on.

Who’s up for a session of being flashed with red light?

Tarandip Kaur

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