New Year: 10 Fashion resolutions to make for 2015

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:34
1. Appreciate the basics

While you’re jotting down important points to note for the year ahead, you might also want to include some in the style department.

Yes, it’s officially 3 days away to exploding fireworks, champagne showers and the dramatic realization that we’ve entered a brand new year. Right around this time, many folks will diligently start penning down resolutions – big or small – hoping that everything gets a reset and they’ll be able to start the year with the right bounce and spring to their step. Even if you’re not the resolution-making type, there’s a certain sense of comfort in scribbling down a few bullet points and proudly pinning them up on your noticeboard or the fridge – whichever you consult for your daily mantra.

However, if you’re still not keen on making major life resolutions, then start with the style department, for little tweaks could make your year a whole lot more sartorial, practical and sustainable. Rather than an exact rulebook on what you should and should not do, take these as guidelines that’ll enable you to be the authority of your style and instead of feeling consumed by trends and clothes, feel invigorated by your wardrobe.

Tarandip Kaur

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