Shopaholic Solutions: 10 Practical tips to control your shopping

Follow these tips to control your inner shopaholic and resist yourself from an impulse splurge. Yes you can!


It’s silly to keep blaming men for not understanding us when some of us can’t explain our chronic shopaholic selves. We fool ourselves into ‘needing’ a new pair of heels for the upcoming soirée, a collection of blouses in every shade of pink known to the world, and different-fit pants to go with them. Nonetheless, we struggle to find something to wear in our wardrobe we can barely close, and additionally, there’s that dreaded mission impossible to deny ourselves of shopping.

That’s a sign to control your shopping impulse! And with the Great Singapore Sale officially kick starting today, here’s all the more reason to keep that spending itch in check.

Let us enlighten you with the following tips and you’ll discover that taming your inner shopaholic isn’t at all an impossible endeavour.

Tip #1: Bring less cash

The easiest thing to do when you’re trying to restrain yourself from shopping is to bring less cash. When you get to the cashier and you open your wallet only to find it empty, you automatically have to think twice before buying. It’s an extra step to take out that overused credit card and hence it begs you to deliberate your purchase. If you’re lucky enough, the store will make the decision for you if they don’t take cards.

Tip #2: Bring more cash and no card

Alternatively, bring more cash and leave your cards at home. If you are willing to spend cash on something then you must really love or need it.

Tip #3: Question yourself again and again

But do you really love it? Ask yourself a series of questions. Do I really need a new pair of dress, or do I want it? If I bought it, where would I wear it? Do I have things to match this dress? Don’t I already have a similar one? (Don’t buy anything if you already have something similar that does the job.) Make the self-interrogation a routine and hopefully by the nth question, you’ll get tired and walk away.

Tip #4: (Brisk) walk away and count to 10

Don’t count to 10 and brisk walk into the store, that’s not what we’re talking about. Quickly walk away from the item and then make your shopaholic self count to 10. Don’t look back! Maybe even stop by for a snack, wander around and think about it some more.

Tip #5: “If you don’t love it in the store, you won’t love it at home.”

It sounds like your mother’s advice, because it is, and mothers are always right. If the ‘do I need or do I want’ evaluation doesn’t work out, then this one will. If you’re not 100% sure about the shoes, even after you’ve tried them one, that’s code red!

Tip #6: On sale? Think like a male.

Men think about how much they’re spending. Women, on the other hand, think about how much they’re saving. The next time that posh handbag goes on sale, remember, you’re spending SGD400 and not saving SGD50 by spending that much. And if you only need one bag, the other one you get for 50% off won’t be necessary.

Tip #7: Travelling? Less souvenirs, more pictures!

Contrary to what you might believe, you don’t need 10 miniatures of a city’s landmark, even if you don’t know when you’re coming back to enjoy Paris, London or Berlin. Take 1000 pictures instead or send postcards to your friends (it’s cheaper this way).

Tip #8: Write down a physical list

If you don’t trust yourself with a mental list, jot down an actual handwritten list and stick with that when you really have to go shopping.

Tip #9: Don’t write a list

Number 8 is somewhat tricky. Just because you’ve written a list of items to buy, doesn’t mean you can excuse yourself a shopping spree of 20 unnecessary items. Instead, go shopping only when you need something replaced.

Tip #10: Make it your personal goal

As cliché as it may sound: when there’s a will, there’s a way. Make it a long-term commitment to tame your shopaholic self and when you have this bigger picture in mind, the little things will fall into place if you let it.

With these 10 tips in mind, we wish you good luck for the weekend! Bear in mind that a fashionista is not the equivalent of a shopaholic. We’re sure your wardrobe is adorable as is.

Natasha Gan

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