10 Ways to survive the upcoming Formula 1 Grand Prix

updated the 15 September 2015 à 19:13

With the Singapore Grand Prix racing into town faster than you can expect, here’s a fool proof guide to surviving the races without a hitch.

F1 Grand Prix of Singapore – Race

The F1 Grand Prix is racing into town sooner than you can say Formula 1 and we bet you’re already conjuring up ways to prepare yourself for the excitement that’ll ensue. Now if you’re going down to the pit to watch the F1 in the evening among the hordes of other excited people, then this article is for you.

With Singapore’s leg of the Grand Prix being a night race and held on public roads, surviving it is a whole other challenge altogether, but with our guide, you’ll emerge from it a pro.

1. Prepare your little essentials bag.

Everyone needs a little essentials bag. We can’t bring our whole dressing room with us everywhere we go, even if we wish we could. And bulky bags at a racing event where you’re squashed with hundreds of people? No thank you. Pack a little bag of whatever you will need, like oil blotting paper, tissues, what have you.

2. Don’t drive your car.

Some roads will be sealed off and parking will be inconvenient so it’s best to leave your car at home. Unless you want to take a thousand detours to find a carpark and then not be able to park your car because all the lots are taken.

3. Wear a mask.

There is haze coming in from Indonesia again, so you’ll need to protect your lungs by wearing a mask. Any kind of mask. We recommend you wear an N95 mask, however, and not a horse head one. It will do nothing to impede the toxic air.

4. Bring your own food.

You will definitely not regret bringing a picnic lunch/dinner because sitting down watching cars go round and round is very tiring. We recommend a 5 course meal, just balance the plates on people’s heads.

5. Bring an umbrella.

In the light of the haze, honestly, we all hope it will rain to alleviate it. And the pit and the bleachers are open air, so you may get drenched without one. Also, an umbrella would make for a great weapon.

6. Bring dry/ wet tissues.

Chances are that you may have placed bets on some drivers. Bring a tissue box with you, because bets are hard to win, and you may lose tens or hundreds of dollars. Use the tissues to wipe away your tears and also to clean up the puddle on the floor after you’re done. Sadness is not an excuse for being inconsiderate to cleaners.

7. Bring your camera.

Take photos to commemorate a special occasion, and also if you want to, you can take photos of cute people you see in the stands so you can remember them because you will probably never see them again.

8. Wear comfortable shoes.

Just in case a car flies off the tracks and comes hurling towards the stands, you can make a quick escape by running away very quickly.

9. Don’t layer clothes.

You will suffocate and die. It will be very hot and humid, because as usual, this is Singapore. Making yourself feel more hot will make you cranky and you won’t be able to enjoy the race because you will be throwing a tantrum like a 4 year-old child.

10. Bring water along.

You don’t want to get dehydrated and fainting spells before the action starts. We recommend you bring 5 bottles of 1.5L. They will definitely last you the whole time.

Bernice Ng

Photo: Getty Images

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