For the love of all things Naiise: Our top 20 lifestyle products!

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:52
Love Limzy

Singapore-based design site, Naiise unearths creative treasures from our local shores and around the world. Here are our top picks.

National Day in Singapore may be over but that doesn’t mean patriotism stops there, and it most definitely wouldn’t as long as we have Singapore-based design store, Naiise, paving the way to celebrate local creative talent.

The online marketplace seeks to make good design a more affordable and accessible concept amongst people by collating a refreshing assortment of works from Singapore, Asia and around the world. In a nutshell, Naiise is an acutely curated website that sells a whole host of unconventionally designed products from a range of categories – home, work space, gadgets – with ingenious designs. From quirky and whimsical to practical and functional to downright fascinating, the site truly panders to our untapped need for appealing and thoughtful creations.

So since our nationalistic fervor won’t wane anytime soon, we rounded up 20 of our favourite products that are either proudly made in Singapore, designed in Singapore or come from our equally talent-filled neighbours in Asia – whichever the case, we were spoilt for choice.

Tarandip Kaur

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