Altruistic Style: 5 fashion brands that give back to society

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:51

The fashion industry is not just all glitz and glamour. From Singapore-based brands to international labels, here are some names who are on all counts charitable.

The fashion world has received an endless stream of flak for being an industry that seemingly pays no heed to its workers or to the larger issues that plague society. It has even been stereotypically branded as frivolous, wasteful, excessive and pretentious by many. Still, that’s not to say that we’re a vapid bunch and that’s not to say that the entirety of the fashion industry could give two hoots of the world beyond schmaltzy dresses and shoes.

Which is why many of us continue to lend support to the industry for the sheer talent and artistry involved in designing – it’s hard to pry our interest from the art of fabric after all – and for the multitude of brands who have sought to align their entrepreneurial purpose to venture beyond clothes. In actuality, more brands are taking a step forward to change the way detractors see fashion’s limitless capacity. So, from encouraging sustainability in post-conflict countries to feeding the hungry in Africa or to aiding environmental efforts, these are some of our favourite companies that are making a fashionable difference in the world – one sale at a time.

Tarandip Kaur

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