Diet: No, you do not have to banish sugar from your food!

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:34

Sugar always has a bad reputation. Nevertheless, it is essential for the functioning of our body by bringing it the necessary energy. It is simply advisable not to consume it in excess.


According to a study from the University of Ohio, couples with a low amount of glycemia are more likely to quarrel. A society where sugar is declared the number 1 public enemy, this means more conjugal quarrels! Nonetheless, excessive sugar intake carries more important concerns: the increase of obesity, diabetes or some cancers. The problem is that in the sugar panic, everything was blurred and confounded. As a result, some chose to eradicate even the slightest trace of sugar in their food, though this was unnecessary. “Fruits and whole grain cereal don’t present danger, neither does the table sugar if it isn’t used in an excessive way. The only one that should be eradicated is the fructose syrup”, warns Béatrice de Reynal. Carbohydrates are an important source of energy that you should not neglect. This is especially the case because by removing sugar from your diet, the body is forced to draw on reserves of fat – a process that produces ketones and is harmful. In the long term, it causes acidosis and raises the risk of depression, cancer and neuro-degenerative diseases. In brief, too much or not enough sugar is bad.

What about fruits? They certainly contain little fructose, but are especially a source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is advised to rather consume apricots, watermelon, plums and strawberries as they are in the form of pure juice (a glass per day maximum). Avoid nectars as well as apples and grapes as their juices are too rich in sugar. And why not, opt for homemade sorbets by simply pouring the pressed juice, the fruit puree or the coulis into the ice-cube tray or in the Eskimo Pie moulds. So easy!

Read more on our diet report:

Gluten does not necessarily mean deprivation
Dairy products: An important source of calcium
Meat: Useful in moderation
It is essential to consume good fats

Maureen Diament

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