Done Deal: 10 Best business meeting spots in Singapore

updated the 6 October 2015 à 22:52
Congress Space

Got an all-important business meeting coming up? Browse our pick of the spots in the city to schedule a smooth sailing business meeting.

Nothing reeks of unprofessionalism quite like meeting a potential client in a McDonald’s outlet or in an area full of environmental noise and chatter – where holding a conducive conversation is next to impossible.

Of course the ideal solution would be to meet your client at their office, but if they’re too far out and the travel costs outweigh the benefits, it’s best to come to an agreement to meet halfway. The next question that arises then is where?

Luckily for you, Singapore is full of great places where you can wow your clients and seal the deal in style. We know what busy bees you are so we’ve done the legwork and come up with 10 business meeting spots to swing the deal in your favour!

Karen George


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