5 Diet trends you should know about in 2016

updated the 10 February 2016 à 12:25

We will be chewing on seaweed like popcorns, kicking sugar out and staying happy in the new year .

Food groups represented on a graph.

Do you know that your skin replaces every 28 days and what you consume has a direct impact on your system? Drink more water, veggie-infused meals, fibre-rich foods continuously and you will notice and feel all the difference. If you’ve tried (almost) all the ways to stick to your diet plan last year and failed, it’s time to have a short review.

From no-carbs diet to clear-soup diet trends, let’s move on to something new this year. Here are 5 diet trends that you ought to start on.

Sugar as the new fat. Most of us are guilty of exceeding our sugar limit intake – six teaspoons a day. We’ve almost given up all hope of seriously kicking off our addiction to popping Eclipse mints every 30 minutes, when sticking to a completely sugar-free diet can result in reduced food cravings, healthy regulation of sugar level and improve your general health.

Meeting your match(a). Replace your morning coffee fix with the new healthier alternative, matcha. The powdered green tea is rich in antioxidants called catechin polyphenols that aids metabolism and digestion. Trade your favourite caramel macchiato with a cup of matcha latte.

Add kelp. The relatively new in-demand veggie snack is made from turning the smily ocean plant, seaweed, into a healthy option. Look out for kelp as an ingredient in the local supermarket.

Follow a fitness guide—of a star. You can’t stay strong-skinny by staying out of drinking, forgoing your daily runs and hard core afternoon snacking. Hit up the gym and eat equally well by following Kayla Itstines’s, or Anna Victoria’s diet and fitness plans.

Be contented and stay joyful. Weight your daily successes more often than your weight. Extreme diet plans induce stress that can lead to weight gain and bingeing. A healthy relationship with food and yourself will help in achieving your desired weight.

Sharon Salim

Photo: Getty Images

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