Breathe brings ZEN*GA Pilates to Singapore

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:52
ZEN*GA @ Breathe Pilates

This unique form of pilates, which combines fascia-healing and health science, is truly something worth trying.

About two months ago, we oohed and aahed over the teaser to the launch of a very unique type of Pilates in Singapore – ZEN*GA™. After trying out the first ever ZEN*GA™ class in Singapore, we can safely say the hype wasn’t for nothing.

Breathe Pilates, with its move to a cosier space in the East Coast, has introduced a novel and exciting way of practising Pilates. They are the first and only to bring ZEN*GA™ to Singapore, so regular Pilates practitioners can look forward to a new way to rev up their routine. The unique practice of ZEN*GA™ combines traditional pilates and yoga movement principles, focusing on healing the body through fascia-healing methods. According to Breathe, this method involves ‘positive self-massaging’ using ‘specially designed props’. It is, essentially a fantastic form of self-physiotherapy.

A typical class is conducted on a Jump Board, which is typically used in STOTT PILATES® – which is the most widely taught pilates method, and which ZEN*GA™ incorporates as well. The board is very dynamic and has all sorts of weight and spring adjustments, as well as sliding boards and resistance straps and ropes, to help better the practice and promote optimum fascia-focus.

Designed by leading and globally recognized Pilates education providers Merrithew Health & Fitness™, ZEN*GA™ is a multi-faceted practice that is suitable for both beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. The main pillars of focus of the practice are breath, support, yield and flow.

The studio is small but well spaced-out and it makes for a more intimate and peaceful practice space, which is very important when one is attempting to engage their mind and body and get it to work at its optimum. The classes are taught by dedicated instructors, who lead you through the practice in such a way that you feel calm throughout the session, even when the sequences get a little more strenuous. Throughout the practice, we felt a constant positive energy. The added advantage of using the specially designed jump boards is the fact that your body is both immensely supported and challenged at the same time.

Apart from this refreshing new way to whip your body into shape and begin your journey on the road to a healthier lifestyle, Breathe has something to offer literally everyone, making it a truly dynamic and all-embracing Pilates studio. The other group Pilates exercises offered are Reform & Be Released for Pilates beginners, Fat Blast for those looking to shed the extra pounds, XXX Men’s Pilates for the men who are convinced that Pilates is a women-only practice, Pilates Gold for the ‘golden’ generation, i.e. the older adult, Two classes for moms-to-be – Preggi Bellies and Mums & Bubs, Clinical Pilates and Private Sessions.

In addition to these accolades, Breathe, with its launch of ZEN*GA™, has become a pioneer training hub for all STOTT PILATES® education in Singapore.

So Breathe away…

For more information on Breathe Pilates and class rates, visit

Diya-Maya Tsering Bhalla

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