Hangover Cures: 5 Tried and tested remedies

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:07

Love to drink but hate the morning after? Here’s a roundup of effective solutions to combat the dreaded hangover!

Mondays always seem summon an insurmountable load. As if you’re not already knee-deep in reports and presentations due this week, you also have a pounding headache to boot. Now, all of this would normally be tolerable, even manageable had you not let yourself go and indulge in that 5th glass of wine last night or on Saturday night, or on both nights.  You’re really paying the price for it with a raging hangover this morning and your boss sure doesn’t look too pleased with your bleary eyes.

Unfortunately, chemists have yet to come up with a miracle pill much like Paracetamol that will cure your hangover in an instant. But while an instantaneous cure has yet to be found, there are some tried and tested solutions we know of that will help ease the pain and get you back on your feet (mentally and literally) in no time!

Of course the best way to cure a hangover is to control your urge to imbibe in the first place but since it’s too late for that, click through the gallery to make your future hangovers more bearable.

Karen George

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