Paracetamol: 4 Natural alternatives to the painkiller

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:16
Essential oils for back pain

Following a shocking study about the harms of paracetamol, here are four natural alternatives to remedy your bodily aches.

After a recent study revealed the harms of paracetamol, the media and the public have been in turmoil. The drug we are all guilty of being too reliant on, paracetamol, is not as harmless as we had thought. According to researchers, whose study was published in the journal Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, the drug is detrimental to not only the kidneys, but also the liver, the stomach and the heart — basically all our major organs.

But not to worry, one or two occasional pops of paracetamol to calm that migraine isn’t particularly dangerous. In fact, the World Health Organization still recommends them as the first line of defence to various types of pain.

Just a tip to remember is to not rush into swallowing painkillers without considering the side effects. Instead, here are four very effective natural remedies that will relieve you from the everyday pain.

Maureen Diament

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Paracetamol: Friend or foe?

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