5 Health benefits of Kale!

updated the 12 June 2014 à 16:52

We’ve all heard plenty of praise sung about this delicious vegetable. If you haven’t tried it yet and want to know what the fuss is all about, check out what we have discovered about this benefit-loaded green.


1) Great Detox Option

Loaded with vitamins like vitamin K, Vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B6, manganese and potassium, Kale has great detoxifying and anti-inflammatory agents that help flush and clean your system, as well as aid in getting rid of that bloat.

2) Filled with Antioxidants

To add to its great detoxifying abilities, Kale is also filled with carotenoids – utein and zeaxathin – that can help ward off harm from harsh UV rays and prevent them from causing cataract in your eyes – and flavonoids and when eaten regularly, can ward off all sorts of cancers.

3) Great for a Healthy Heart & Digestive System

High in fiber and low in calories, this green is a blessing when it comes to improving and ensuring good heart health. Being high in fiber and hence lowering your cholesterol, makes it great for aiding in digestion.

 4) Great for Bone Health

Kale is rich in beta-carotene and calcium, making it a fabulous substitute for those who might be lactose intolerant and need to get their daily dose of calcium in.

 5) Strong Iron Content

Lauded as having more iron than certain red meats, Kale offers a healthy option for upping your iron intake, without having to consume high-cholestrol foods to do so. This is an especially attractive option for women during their periods – eating more kale will help make up for all the iron lost during that time of the month!

Side Note: Yakult has just come out with their new product – Maroyaka Kale – a Kale powder that can be mixed with water, milk or yoghurt and is an excellent substitute for people who have issues with consuming vegetables on their own as it gives them the option of having it in liquid form instead. For more information on this product, visit their page.

Diya-Maya Tsering Bhalla

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