How to eat healthy with a busy work schedule?

updated the 24 June 2015 à 10:28

Prisca, a midwife, told us about her difficulties finding the time to eat healthy with her schedule. Experts weigh in their opinion.

A healthy diet

“I sometimes do not have time to eat at all.”
Priscilla, 33, nurse

“I often work from 8pm to 8am. It is very long! I sometimes do not have time to eat at all. Even if I bring a dish, I buy it mostly ready-made, and I am never sure if I will have time to finish it anyway. It depends on emergencies. Basically, I eat when I can find five minutes to myself. When I can, I have dinner at around midnight or one o’clock in the morning. I have my breakfast when I get home at 9am. Then I sleep, and when I wake up I have lunch, at about 4pm. If I go to bed later in the morning, I will have a brunch before. ”

The opinion of Marie-Anne Gautier, doctor and nutritional expert:
“Between midnight and 5am, digestion slows down. The energy expenditure on digestion following a meal is lower than it is during the day. Sugars and fats in particular are both digested and more set aside, which promotes weight gain. If, like Prisca, you begin work at 8pm, I recommend having dinner before leaving the house, and not during working hours. It should be able to cover 40% of daily energy intake and be balanced. For this, we should opt for protein (meat or fish) to stimulate waking up, vegetables, and slow-release carbohydrates (starches, wholemeal bread, etc.). Avoid fatty and sugary foods that promote drowsiness.

During the night, a snack is possible, but it should not act as a second meal. This snack can consist of a hot drink, yoghurt, fruit or a bowl of soup. We must not, however, abuse coffee or stimulants during the last 5 hours of work. When we get home, we should not overlook breakfast before going to bed. Even if it is a light meal, it is essential to ensure the quality of sleep and avoid being awakened by hunger. On the menu: carbohydrates (bread and cereals) that will help us sleep, a fruit and a hot drink. We wake at our own discretion, between 12pm and 3pm, then a complete and balanced breakfast should be taken to provide the body with all the nutrients it needs. Try to keep to the starter-main course-dessert combination. Otherwise, you can opt for brunch, as Priscilla does.

The opinion of Nicolas Rouig, dietician :
“Some professions, such as nursing, have certain constraints, since they sometimes have only a few minutes to eat each night. But eating in five minutes does not necessarily mean eating anything, any way and anywhere. I thus do not recommend ready-made or instant meals, which are very rich. Even in 5 minutes, it is better to go for raw food: bread and cheese, tea with chocolate instead of a chocolate bar, fruits and yogurt…

You can also try raw foods. There is another simple rule to remember – never take just one type of food, otherwise you tend to eat more. Always combine two foods from different families. Eating a high protein diet with another sweet will allow reduced absorption of sugar. It is also important to dedicate the five minutes wholly to eating. Do nothing else at the same time, no sms, emails, etc. Sit upright and chew well. Otherwise, the brain will not understand that you have eaten and you will remain hungry. To train yourself, you can do tasting exercises at home. For example, take 10 minutes to eat a piece of chocolate to be more conscious of the visual and olfactory sensations. It really has an impact on metabolism.”

Continue reading our report on “Eating well after-hours”:
How to listen to your hunger?
Is a good breakfast important?
How to maintain a balanced diet?


Fabienne Broucaret

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