Is a good breakfast important?

updated the 24 June 2015 à 10:28

What really is the role of breakfast on our metabolism? We present the response of the experts, accompanied by a testimony from one of our readers.


“I go to work without eating”
Carole, 26, airport official .
“I start work at 3am, I finish at 10am. I take a meal early in the night, at around 7pm. At 8 o’clock I go to bed. I get up at 2 in the morning. I go to work without eating. I take my first, rather quick breakfast about 6 or 7am: a hot drink, a fruit and bread pudding. I take a second one mid-morning, back home, before my nap, with fruit juice, cereal and toast. I wake up at about 3pm. I need this nap, otherwise I will be just too tired. I do not have lunch, but I grab a snack. So I do not eat a single savoury meal in the daytime. Fortunately, I walk a lot during my work day!”

The opinion of Marie-Anne Gautier, doctor and nutritional expert:
“The ideal is to have a good breakfast before leaving for work, then a light snack in the morning, but it is sometimes difficult to eat so early in the morning. In that case, we can do the opposite – a small snack when you awaken with a sweet hot drink or fruit juice, and then at 8-9am a real breakfast with, ideally, proteins – for example, ham, of bread, dairy, fruit, etc. I recommend having breakfast in the late morning, before your nap, avoiding fats and ready-made dishes, then making your early dinner a light meal.”

The opinion of Nicolas Rouig, dieticien:
“It does not matter if, like Carole, we do not have breakfast before work, but on one condition – that we were not actually hungry at the time and therefore not result in binging on junk food an hour later. It is even better as it avoids unnecessary calories. However, if you are hungry, but do not have time to eat, the only solution is really to get up fifteen minutes earlier for a good breakfast!”

Continue reading our report on “Eating well after-hours”:
How to eat healthy with a busy work schedule?
How to listen to your hunger?
How to maintain a balanced diet?


Fabienne Broucaret

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