Tips to achieve a flat stomach

updated the 11 June 2014 à 21:02

Every morning go for a ritual to keep your stomach flat. Discover all our tricks.

flat stomach

Some tips: 

In the morning, on an empty stomach, you have a choice between:
• A large glass of ice water, which promotes the effect of a flat belly by accelerating digestion.
• A large glass of water from cooking vegetables (with no salt or seasoning) stored in the refrigerator.
• Two prunes consumed on an empty stomach, effective in promoting digestion and preventing swelling.
• Mineral water (like Hépar) which, like chicory, is rich in inulin (dissolved fibres), facilitating movement along the gastrointestinal tract.
• A hot water compress applied to the stomach, which causes relaxation of the abdominal muscles.

To continue reading the report “Getting ready for swimsuit season”: 

How to feel self-confident in a swimsuit?

A special diet for a flat stomach

10 tips for a flat stomach

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine