5 Reasons why you should be eating more tomatoes

1. Contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals

5 reasons for you to pick up a bunch of these red and juicy vegetables on your next trip to the grocers!

Easy to source and affordable, tomatoes seem to be everywhere. They’re even in your refrigerator, pre-stocked for the next time you decide to whip you up a quick sandwich or some pasta. 

Here’s the thing with this exceptionally sweet, juicy and delicious little red balls, we know they are packed with vitamin C, low in calories and are fat-free but what else? Wondering why Italians love them so much? We have gathered a list of 5 reasons to eat more tomatoes. Remember this the next time you pick up your next slice of pepperoni pizza.

Sonia Lourdes

Read more:

Mouthwatering: 5 Tomato recipes to check out

Easy Pies & Tarts Recipes: Cherry Tomato Tart

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