The 3 myths about forgiveness

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:02
Forgiveness is a gift

Angry with your friends or colleagues? How do you forgive? By redefining the overused term of forgiveness, says professional counselor Olivier Clerc, author of “Can we forgive?”

When talking about forgiveness, Olivier Clerc loves to use these metaphors: “I see it as a wound healing in the heart. We have all had our heart wounded at some point in our lives, especially during traumatic experiences. Or at least a build up of little sufferings. Hence, it is important to learn how to forgive. For that, redefinition is essential. This is a fuzzy word for many people and if you have had, for example, a religious education, parents who are psychologists or professors, you will have a different definition. There are also many another amalgamations that represent the obstacles to forgiveness.”

Founder of the Days to Forgiveness, the group gathers every year with over 20 speakers, a large audience and many Circles of Forgiveness. Olivier Clerc just published the book “Can we all forgive?”, which is easy to understand as he offers the tools to help you on your road to forgiveness through many inspiring stories.

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Isabelle Soing

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