Binge-watching TV with your spouse might be the key to a healthy relationship

It turns out that Netflix and chill can actually save your relationship!

Do you and your partner often watch movies, TV shows or Netflix together? If you don’t, it might be time to embrace this new couple hobby!

According to researchers at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, they found that couples who spent more time binge-watching their favourite TV shows or movies tend to have better relationship quality.

Researchers questioned participants across two different studies to rate how much they shared watching TV box sets and films, and whether or not they had lots of friends in the same social circle. The results showed that couples who lack a shared social circle were found to compensate for their paucity of shared peers by adopting the on-screen social groups as their own. Sounds oddly weird? But that’s how it works!

Think about it this way: if a couple lacks mutual friends in the real world, the characters on shows or movies act as a decent substitute. If you spend hours debating over what’s in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction, or go into heated debates on whether Jon Snow and Daenarys should get together, it can actually have the same social effect as gossiping about a mutual friend. You’re still sharing a social world, even if it’s not real.

So if you feel like you and your partner could use some quality time reconnecting over common ground, you might want to reconsider your long walks in the park and midnight talks for a night-in with Netflix instead!

Daphne Leo

Photo: Getty Images

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