Giggle Fest: Couples who laugh together stay together

updated the Monday, August 31, 2015

We all know that letting out a good laugh or two tends to do wonders for your health and state of mind but could it also ensure that your relationship stays in the pink of health?


There are enough studies to show that laughing is good for the soul but did you know that laughing together with your significant other could also ensure that the relationship lasts?

It seems like we’re stating the obvious because after all laughing stems from happiness and if the both of you are happy then naturally your relationship would be on a good level – yet sometimes that simple act may not be as simple, which led to the following study. To show that connection, a study published in the journal, Personal Relationships, went forward to ask 77 heterosexual couples who had been in a relationship for about 4 years how they first met. Their responses were recorded on video. After which instances of spontaneous laughing was counted, when it was done together and the length of that guffaw was also taken into account. In addition to that, each couple also completed a survey on how close they were in the relationship.

Laura Kurtz, a social psychologist from the University of North Carolina, leading the research, found that the couples with more shared laughter possessed a greater quality of relationship, which did not come as a surprise. Those who let our awkward giggles and slight grins however did portray signs of discomfort in the relationship.

The study also revealed gender differences, such as women laughed more than men and when men laugh, it’s almost likely that their partner would follow suit as well – creating a contagious effect.

So at the end of the day, all we can say is folks, laugh your hearts out, let your bellies roll and bask in the happiness till laughter ceases to escape. That’s the beauty of laughing isn’t it?

Tarandip Kaur

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