How to increase intimacy in bed?

We teach you an exercise to practice intimacy, to sharpen his senses and multiply the pleasure, proposed by psychotherapist and sex therapist Carlotta Munier.

couples desire

Create an atmosphere that’s conducive for sensuality, take things slow and let go (include soft light, candles, music, the works). Allow at least an hour and a half. In privacy, one takes care only of the other. The round trip will not be successful unless you take turns making each other feel good.


Specifically, start with lying on your back, breathe deeply and relax. Take all your time and be totally relaxed. As for him, let him caress your body gently and tenderly, for at least thirty minutes. Start by extremely slow caresses, then gradually vary the modes of touch, intensity and speed, staying very focused. Be creative and make sure he concentrates on what he feels at his fingers and under his hand. If he makes this experience without interest or curiosity, you’ll feel it and cannot relax. You should indicate your preferences and desires, whether in a verbal or gestural manner. Just tell him whether you like what he’s doing, so that he knows his Miss’s desires best, without taking offense to be ‘controlled’. While you receive the attention, focus exclusively on his physical sensations. If he starts getting distracted, you must gently refocus his thoughts on the points you want touched. The goal is that you and your partner both reciprocate the fun, relax, enjoy yourself and express what you like. If you feel your gestures become mechanical slow your pace and end it tenderly for the time. Do the same when roles are reversed.

Exercise proposed by Carlotta Munier in Female sexuality: towards a fulfilling intimacy, published by Le Souffle d’Or. 

Maureen Diament and Nur Syazana H.

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