Stop feeling guilty!

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:34

Why do girls often feel guilty but not so much boys? The good news is that we can get rid of our guilt once we understand where it comes from.

non à la culpabilité

“I could be sexier“, “I should dedicate more time to others”, “I don’t work hard enough”, and so on… As girls, we are always too much or not enough. But rest assured as this is a very feminine feeling. Men are far less likely to have feelings of guilt and that’s nothing new. Do you remember the original sin? Not only does Eve eat the forbidden fruit, but she also gives a bite to Adam! Without going back to our origins, we can still see who, between men and women, has an easy tendency to self-flagellation. Who is stressed about not being at the school outing? To have a drink after work instead of going back home? We have interiorized so much the traditional roles based on submission and commitment… Girls, are assigned guilt. It is no wonder then that psychoanalysts have written books on the subject – because, after all, it is entirely up to us to stop feeling this way!

Read more from our ‘Guilt’ report:

We were born guilty, but guilty of what?
The female guilt: Is it always  the mother’s fault?
Is there anything good about feeling guilty?
Test your guilt
Testimonies: I depreciate myself all the time

Valérie Rodrigue

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine