Are you mothering your spouse?

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:31

Tidy your socks, take some fruit, go to the dentist, did you ask for an increase? Sometimes it seems like we’re the mothers to our significant others as well.


Maureen, 35, Music Manager, in a relationship, childless.

“My lover lived alone before knowing me and, as he says, he did not die from it. The mess doesn’t bother him. It is well known that if we do not want to see the mess, we just have to hide everything under the bed: what we don’t see does not exist. But, I am the daughter of a serviceman, I had a very strict education. So I laid down the law by offering him slippers; no way he’s going to walk in shoes at home and bring in dirt from the street. When he splashes everything like a whale when brushing his teeth, I ask him to wipe the mirror once he has finished. I showed him 10 times how to fold his clothes to make beautiful piles in the cupboard. I come to check and I congratulate him, if he deserves it. When I tell him ‘I am not your mother‘, tired of managing everything, even at home, he fights back and answers: ‘I didn’t ask you anything!’”


Guillemette, 42, Archaeologist, in a relationship, a 10-year-old son from her first marriage.

“My partner is 11 years younger than me and is finishing his Archaeology studies. I like to coach people; others did it for me in the past, and it is very pleasant. I oversee his work. I don’t miss a single thing, it is my perfectionist nature. I help him to move his thesis forward and introduce him to people in the business. He really has huge potential. And he is lucky to have me. Well, it sounds a little like the mother pushing her prodigal son. As a result, Renaud hides things from me; on his computer, he hides his research in a hidden file, etc. He says that I am on his back way too much, to which I reply; ‘It is true but it is for your own good.’ I also tell this to my 10 year-old son. Renaud will realise it eventually that professionally, I make him gain a few years.”


Charlotte, 38, Exhibition Commissioner, married, a 6-year-old daughter.

“When we got married, I attached a teddy bear in front of the car. In the beginning, Mario liked my “mama” side. He found it charming that I recommended him to take a pullover in the morning after announcing the daily weather report. He found the little nicknames I gave him funny; ‘great Mario’ or  ‘sweetie, as long as it stayed between us. Regrettably, the nicknames escaped from my mouth in public, during a dinner with friends who were also his colleagues. Since then, they call him ‘sweetie’ or ‘great Mario’. When he says that I make him childish, I answer; ‘Do not get excited sweetie, it is not good for your health’. The truth is that I really enjoy protecting the people I love.”

 Valerie Rodrigue

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