What power does the moon have on our bodies?

updated the 11 June 2014 à 23:20

If we live by the rhythm of the tides, do we realise that the moon affects us just as much? We present the explanations of Dr Puget, author of an investigation on our only moon.

the power of the moon

The chemical physics of emotions

In the 1990s, physicists discovered that electron energy changes were sensitive to the tides, which in itself is dependent on the lunar cycles. They have also taken this information into account for the design of new generation particle accelerators.
“We can therefore deduce that the moon also affects the energy of the billions of electrons present in our body and nervous system,” Dr. Puget states. The general practitioner is interested in a subject related to the remark – surprisingly, a patient at a session of mesotherapy (micro-injections aimed at treatment of cellulite and weight problems).
“She told me she would bleed more than usual because the appointment coincided with the full moon. I started to investigate this hypersensitivity, which corresponded with what I had discovered years ago, while working in a psychiatric hospital: some doctors do not hesitate to prescribe patients up to two times the dose of tranquilisers for the increased agitation during the full moon, although scientific findings about the moon’s influence on the psyche remain contradictory.”

pH variations

Biophysicists have noticed that pH levels (the degree of acidity or alkalinity) of our secretions (saliva, sweat, urine …) vary according to the lunar cycle. “This explains why we may observe an increase in fungal infections, favoured in acidic terrains, at the time of the new moon, and an increase in urinary tract infections, facilitated by alkaline conditions, during the full moon.
Nutrition can correct these pH imbalances,” says Henry Puget. He recommends 2/3 of alkalizing substances (eg: green, red or yellow vegetables, boiled potatoes, almonds, spices like cinnamon, turmeric, ginger) and one-third acidifiers (eg.: meat, eggs, cheese, fish, chocolate), a mix that can promptly influence the amendment and strengthening of the acid-alkaline field.

Effects on blood circulation

“The moon affects the movement of the tides. It is logical to think that it can have a similar effect on our blood, which contains the same components as those of sea water,” said Henry Puget. For example, vibrant hair is a result of good blood supply that nourishes the roots. Therefore, as tradition dictates, cutting your hair whilst the moon waxes, or is full, makes it grow faster. However, if we are looking to thicken our hair, we should deal with it during the waning of the moon.

*Author of Lune et Santé, mode d’emploi (Moon and Health manual) (Minerva).

To continue reading our report on “The power of the moon” 

The Moon: How to get the best out of it?

Slimming down with the moon…?

Martine Azoulai

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