What’s Hot: 10 Malaysian films every Malaysian should watch

You’ll need to check if you’ve watched every film on this list before you can call yourself a true-blue Malaysian.

Sepet (2004)

There are international blockbusters that people all over the world know about months before their release, eagerly awaiting their premier date and rushing to the cinemas once they’re out. And then, there are the local films that perhaps not everybody knows about, but when they do actually choose to watch them, they realise how much more heartwarming and thought-provoking they can be compared to mainstream films. Today, we’re here to talk about these amazing movies that we think should be given a lot more attention than they probably get nowadays.

Malaysian films come in all shapes and sizes. This means that you’ll definitely be able to find something you like in the huge collection of local films out there. And we don’t see why you should be watching them any less than huge film successes like Avatar or X-Men. After all, they’re all forms of art which have different life lessons to teach.

So, let’s play a game of Do You Know Your Malaysian Films? Head up to our gallery to see if you can check them all off. If not, you’ll probably want to spend this weekend catching up on these must-watch movies.

Dione Chen

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