Clean Slate: 10 Healthy eating restaurants in Kuala Lumpur

updated the 7 July 2016 à 16:45

These restaurants will show you how it is possible for your food to be healthy and incredibly tasty at the same time.

Organica Lifestyle

The awareness about the importance of health and what we can do to improve it these days is increasing exponentially. There are many ways to do this, including adopting a regular exercise routine and changing up your eating habits. This doesn’t mean you need to become vegetarian in order to eat clean. All you need to do is to choose healthier substitutes for the food that you’re currently eating.

If that sounds like a daunting challenge, you can always ring in the experts to show you that it is actually possible to eat healthy and retain all your favourite tastes in your dishes as well. By experts, we mean restaurants that offer the best that the city can give you. Check out the places we’ve picked for the healthiest eats in Kuala Lumpur. Drop by these restaurants for some culinary inspiration, or simply to enjoy a delicious, clean meal with your fellow health-conscious besties!

Dione Chen

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